"Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11" - Huey from "The BoonDocks"

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Joined on 4/1/03

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BlackDevilX's News

Posted by BlackDevilX - November 16th, 2008

Lately, i have gotten emails from people wanting me to critique their flash movies (usually sprite which isn't bad.)

Many people would wonder why i would give a super popular flash a 7 versus giving a crappy flash an 8.

It is simple really. I review on their level of expertise, and improvement ratio to their old ones. If you are a relatively new flash author and make pretty blah things, im not going to judge you in the sense of how i would judge someone like Short-Factor.

However, if you have been around since 2004 or something, you would know that flash standards have gone up meaning to compete with some of the big dogs, you have to step up your skills.

With that being said, I take that into consideration when reviewing something REALLY OLD. I've been a NG member since 03 but been on this site since 01. If i review a flash from 2002 i take into consideration how flash was back then. A good reference is looking through the Flash Portal History Collections.

Remember, when you review a flash, that what you do. Review. It is not for bitching about how much you hate sprite movies and that the author should go die in a fire. If you don't like the type of flash, don't review it.

Also, if you don't like a review i have given, please remember, it is MY opinion and i am entitled to it.
Ill be glad to discuss what you though of my review and you are welcome to debate if it was fair.

P.S. Obama wins. Did you think i would post about it? No. I am not happy. I am glad he won, but i am convinced that most people voted for him because he was black. Especially the minorities.

P.P.S My girlfriend is sick, and in the hospital. Please pray her surgery goes well =(.

Posted by BlackDevilX - October 19th, 2008

With the impending election coming up in November, there has been alot of content popping up about Obama vs McCain, and im not just talking about newgrounds. All over the media.

Anyways, there is a morning show i listen to called the "Tom Joyner Morning Show".

Anybody from the NYC area who listened to 98.7 kiss fm years ago or, in western New York who listens to WBLK in the morning or other place in the United states should know this show. I dont want to go and make an assumption that ONLY black people listen to this show, but a majority of its listeners are black.

Anyways, on these shows, they support Obama, and they are talking about change, and all this stuff, which is fine, but theres one question on my mind that is troubling me as a black man.

Would these shows support obama if he was a republican?

Or are these radio shows just broadcasting people to vote for the black guy? Now i have heard them over the years and when it comes to election time, they usually ridicule both parties, but this one they are promoting Obama.

They also have a hot line number if people have felt they have been encouraged to vote for a specific party, but you know what, these radio shows are doing it. The encourage people to vote, and then blast Pro-Obama content. Isnt that encouraging a party to vote? People shouldn't vote for a guys just because of the color of his skin, but for the reasons he is campaigning.

What do you think, NG?

Update: FrozenFire provided this video of a radio interview. This is the pinnacle of what im talking about. They dont know whats going on! Clearly its skin color, however they hide behind their so called 'political knowledge'.

/* */

Posted by BlackDevilX - October 3rd, 2008

This is a very important question. I have a tablet already, but i don't know how to use it, meaning, its pretty funky. I think its the size of the tablet. See i just got a normal small one, because i didn't think id be using it for anything spectacular. But now that i am drawing a bit, i think i need an upgrade. So my questions are,

1) What is a good size tablet i should have? Currently i think this one is like 640x480 or the size of a hand fully spread out.What size should i get? And what size do you use?

2) I find that using the pen is awkward on my fingers, due to the fact that their is a button on mines. Is there a certain way to hold it so that it doesnt get in the way? Or do you hold on to the button?

Also, to all you idiot who send me stupid PMs regarding my review for smbz7, fuck off. I gave a nice constructive review, and the last thing i need is some stupid fantardof his pming/emailing me telling me my flash sucks in comparison to his, and that his flash is the greatest ever.Its a review, stop being ignorant and voting all the constructive reviews useless. If you don't agree with my review, suck it up.

P.S. Did you check out my site yet?

Posted by BlackDevilX - September 26th, 2008

Yep yep! I did! Coded it myself. Nothing too fancy, but i think i did a pretty decent job considering this is my first real site (I have had others but i had built them for school).

So why am i telling you this? Simple. Because I CAN.

No but seriously, i am telling you this because i have worked my ass off on this site, and i would like to share it with the world! Also, i made this site for you guys. Yes really. I get a constant load of PM's and IM's asking me,

How do i do flash?
What programs do you use?
Do you know any sites where you can find sound effects?
Do you know any sites that you can find music?
Can you teach me how to do flash?

Well look no further! I added a section to my site called 'resources' this section details all sites where you can get sound effects, music, where to download flash, other programs i use, such as photoshop. This site also has a sprite section (for you newbies starting out in the sprite flash world), and a tutorial section (sorry animators this is just for sprites), that shows you how to get started. I also will be offering tips on sound compression, different tips such as how to improve the quality and what not. So be sure to give the site a run through, as i hope future animators, and sprite artists will be able to use this.

And for you people wondering when ill be making my next flash project, check out the 'upcoming' section as i will be updating that there with previews from now on.

And if you want to see more things, check out the vault. It contains some of my old, canceled projects. This site is still getting things added on and what not but its enough done to have you guys take a look at it. My intentions for this site is my way of helping all of you guys out.

Check out HellBlaze HQ

Leave suggestions, comments, hate or whatever. I read and try to respond to all.

P.S. Fan art isn't just for fans of my series. If there is something you would like to contribute, drop me a line. This is why fan art doesn't work yet =D

Posted by BlackDevilX - September 15th, 2008

Why is it that everyone calls America fat? I am tired of hearing shit like fat America this and fat America that. Granted statistically, i believe we are the most overweight country. But what people don't realize is that the category overweight doesn't account for muscle mass, so a 220 pound man with nothing but muscle is overweight. Currently, I am in Canada, and i must say, i have seen more overweight people walking around in a 1 block radius, then i have seen on the streets of Manhattan! So what im really trying to say is that all you other nationalities who talk about how "I just came to america and the stereotypes are true, everyones fat" Can go suck a fat one. =D Go take a walk around.


A few weeks ago i got CC, and i must say, i rather enjoy it! I love the fact of the elements and stuff added to each character, and i love how each enemy reacts to a certain character (Lava world, i had to switch from my green knight to my Blue Knight on insane). Even though there were a couple of weird glitches to be fixed, (Such as the boomerang boss glitch, and if your playing with multiple people and you use it on the bat boss, and if you die, your boomerang stays there, and you LEVEL while your dead XD) I still enjoy playing it.


I like to thank everyone who commented on my last blog post about alvin earthworm. it was nice to hear from a few popular artists, and to hear your guys input on the situation. Like i said, I withdraw my statement and say that his fans are too blame.

However, the ones id like to REALLY address in this one, is the animators who seem to bash sprites.
So ill just say it like this.

Unless you work for some major animation company, you have no right to judge whats entertainment and whats not. So really just shut the fuck up, because most of you animators who bash sprites, cant draw worth a shit yourselves. i know people who do sprite work and have an incredible drawing skill, but choose to sprite because its easier. So really, your not all that great. If sprites were as shit as you say, then why do we keep taking the awards from your animations? Its because we work just as hard copy and pasting as you do drawing it out. Like i said, sprite doesn't hold a lick of anything to animation, but its no reason to be a hater as in like i said...

MOST ANIMATIONS ON NEWGROUNDS HAVE TAKEN SOME SORT OF CONTENT FROM SOME SHOW THEY HAVE SEEN BEFORE. I.E. FAMILY GUY, MONTY PYTHON, ANIME, ETC ETC ETC... How many times have i seen an awesome movie, NOT made by egoraptor? Good job, you drew it but guess what, ya still stole the concept. Even if you did say you did.

Leave your comments/flame as i love to read and respond, like always =D.

Posted by BlackDevilX - August 29th, 2008

Yes there, i said it. Go on hate me, i don't care. Why do i say this? There is not a damn sprite movie on NG, that doesn't have some reviewer comparing it to SMBZ, or to Alvin-Earthworms work. Guess what, Alvin-earthworm is not the leading man on sprite movies. So to constantly compare every fucking sprite movie to that of SMBZ is a damn shame. This is one of the reason why sprite movies are declining, not because of him making flash, its because stupid people who constantly cant stay off his dick long enough to compare it with any other sprite movie every made. I'm pretty sure Alvin didn't do this intentionally, but you know what, he didn't help it by not addressing to his fans that NOT EVERY SPRITE MOVIE HAS TO BE LIKE SMBZ IN ORDER FOR IT TO BE GOOD. So seriously, some of you fans of his need to STFU, about how a certain flash would have been better if Alvin-Earthworm, would have joined it. This is why he quit or is on hiatus or whatever, because you fanboys of his are irritating even HIM! Anyways, heres my advice to all the newcomer sprite artists out there, don't use SMBZ as a source of inspiration. DBZ sprite fights are a dying breed that need to be taken out back and shot. Note: I said DBZ sprite fights. Theres a difference between faced paced action and blatant DBZ imitations. Leave DBZ fights to DBZ Characters. Create your own.
Oh, and im pretty sure this is going to blow up in my face, but i don't think his animation skill is that great. Sure he can create super fast paced action, but how hard is it to set the fps to a high amount and NOT tween. Like i said, its been done before.

P.S. If you want to debate me or tell me im wrong, ill be glad to express my points, and debate, but dont be a wuss and hide your opinion in my inbox.

Anyways, i have been practicing my drawing skill (on paper and on flash) and i have to say that my skill is improving bit by bit. I even started to draw out some of my flash animation. So i hope to submit my first animated movie soon.

Check out this picture i drew in flash. Be sure to check out my DeviantArt now and then to see some progress art....maybe XD

Also, lately i have been helping a few flash artist out with some friendly advice, so if theres any work you want advice on, and want to show me for my critique, or just want some tips, i would be happy to help! Sprite animation and normal animation.

Now I'm off to buy Castle Crashers. Feel free to post your opinions, as i read them all and try to respond.

Update: Since many people feel, i have something against alvin-earthworm, Let me clarify, that i dont. He is talented, but need to apply that talent among other things instead of DBZ sprite fights and *shudders* Furries *puke*

Posted by BlackDevilX - August 11th, 2008

Q: Can i have the aeon sprite?
A: How many times do i have to say NO. Its not mines to give out. Go ask Aeon the creator. Its his choice to give out. Go to his deviantart and ask him.

Q: How do you make your games?
A: I have answered this in many blog posts before hand. But ill elaborate in big strong letters that i use FLASH 8 ONLY. I use photoshop for special graphics and blurring BGs to save room.

Q: Can you send me the music?
A: Distribution of copyrighted music is illegal. Go find it yourself.

Q: What song plays-
A: Just stfu now. I've gone over this many times. The Songs are listed in the credits. WATCH THEM. I ALWAYS list them.

Q: Is there anyway to download the flash to play it?
A: Sorry, i dont allow people to download it. Sites steal it anyways.

S(statement)/Reviews: I hate you because you made link/sonic evil
R(Response): Fuck off. i dont work for these companies and as such i dont have to go by there standards. If you hate me because of a freaking character didn't do what YOU wanted it, then go outside more plx.

S: You should work with Alvin-Earthworm. If you did you would be even more popular.
R: Im not a fan of his work. There were a ton of flashes out there gone unrecognized, but he does the same thing and gets praise. His flashes are good, but hes garnering way to much hype for something
that was done before.

S: I love your work, good luck on your future flashes.
R: Thank you kind sir.

Q: Can you add me to MSN, YIM, AIM?
A: Sure, i love talking to people. Fans or Haters. However for MSN you must put some sort of message into your contact invite, due to the fact a majority of people who add me speak another language, and they always nudge me, spam me, wink me or what not.

Q: Can you teach me flash?
A: Teach yourself first. I'll be glad to help you out with tips and advice. I love watching aspiring artists.

Now that thats how the way, I would like to bestow upon fans of my SSA series, that it will be my next project. Finishing up that series once and for all. So stay tuned for that as it *MIGHT* be the first collaboration with Mr. Short-Fagtor. Ness Collab doesnt count. If i allow him in it, prepare for one heck of a flash movie!

Btw: Please put Final Fantasy Sonic X:Ep6 into the Sonic Collection and/or Final Fantasy Collection! ^^

-BDX Out.

P.S: Heres a little something to keep get you pumped. Of course this is getting re-worked as this was made before FFSX6 was completed....Short Factor did the fight scene in the intro/menu. I did everything else.

So without further ado...
SSA: Heart of the Hedgehog part 2

Posted by BlackDevilX - August 1st, 2008


Posted by BlackDevilX - July 14th, 2008

1) Drawing is hard! +respect for those who can.
2) Since so many people told me to stick with sprites, I'll stay with them until FFSX is over.
3) Seen the latest Harold and Kumar. Its so racist its funny. I recommend it to anyone with a sense of humor/ not easily offended
4) I now have a Deviant Art account. (been had one actually, just never used it) And ill be posting my miserable failures of art there
5) If you haven't seen it, go check out Final Fantasy Sonic X:Ep6! It was voted 11th for the month! Woot!
6) Some one tell me how da fux do you make a scrolling BG for a platformer game
7) I decided to put some schooling in use and build a website. So thats coming if you care
8) Anyone who was in the brawl tourney, its starting soon. So get ready...or not.
9) FFSX6 is now on youtube! (well not all of it)
10) Im testing myself with a short animation. So maybe ill submit it to NG for it to be blammed into oblivion!
11) FFSX7 ain't coming anytime soon. Theres your answer. It just came out and i have no real need to do any flash, especially not sprites anytime soon.

Posted by BlackDevilX - June 14th, 2008

To join the brawl tournament! Preliminaries are coming soon and we'd really like to have a good match.
Also if you haven't seen it, Final Fantasy Sonic X:Ep6 is on the Newgrounds Portal! Sweet!
If you would like to join the brawl tournament, you MUST post your brawl info at the SSBB: Tournament Registration topic. Stop posting them here and sending them to my inbox, because you i will just ignore you.

Final Fantasy Sonic X:Ep6
SSBB: Tournament Registration

Check back there everyday for updates, and dates!

Some FAQ's.

Q. What was X song playing in X Scene.
A. All of the song are in order in the credits, i am not going to tell you.

Q. Where did you get your sprites?
A. All the links are ALSO located in the credits. I get certain sprites directly from special people (such as Aeon Sprites)

Q. What Program do you use to make games
A. Everything i do is made in FLASH 8.

Q. I want to be a noob and ask you when the FFSX7 is coming out.
A. If you can READ my aim, msn and forum to bug me then you can read the title that says NOT FOR AWHILE.

Q. How do i do flash?
A. You get the program first (99% of people who ask me how dont have the program).

Q. Where do you get your music?
A. I didnt put this in the flash but check out Galbadia Hotel

Q. Where do you get your sound effects?
A. Usually from google. Seriously, try searching for sound effects.

Also, come on people! Unless i need something form a friend i find EVERYTHING on my own. Try it sometime. It will make you a better flash artist.

Theres still time left...