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RE: All the PM's, and future projects

Posted by BlackDevilX - August 11th, 2008

Q: Can i have the aeon sprite?
A: How many times do i have to say NO. Its not mines to give out. Go ask Aeon the creator. Its his choice to give out. Go to his deviantart and ask him.

Q: How do you make your games?
A: I have answered this in many blog posts before hand. But ill elaborate in big strong letters that i use FLASH 8 ONLY. I use photoshop for special graphics and blurring BGs to save room.

Q: Can you send me the music?
A: Distribution of copyrighted music is illegal. Go find it yourself.

Q: What song plays-
A: Just stfu now. I've gone over this many times. The Songs are listed in the credits. WATCH THEM. I ALWAYS list them.

Q: Is there anyway to download the flash to play it?
A: Sorry, i dont allow people to download it. Sites steal it anyways.

S(statement)/Reviews: I hate you because you made link/sonic evil
R(Response): Fuck off. i dont work for these companies and as such i dont have to go by there standards. If you hate me because of a freaking character didn't do what YOU wanted it, then go outside more plx.

S: You should work with Alvin-Earthworm. If you did you would be even more popular.
R: Im not a fan of his work. There were a ton of flashes out there gone unrecognized, but he does the same thing and gets praise. His flashes are good, but hes garnering way to much hype for something
that was done before.

S: I love your work, good luck on your future flashes.
R: Thank you kind sir.

Q: Can you add me to MSN, YIM, AIM?
A: Sure, i love talking to people. Fans or Haters. However for MSN you must put some sort of message into your contact invite, due to the fact a majority of people who add me speak another language, and they always nudge me, spam me, wink me or what not.

Q: Can you teach me flash?
A: Teach yourself first. I'll be glad to help you out with tips and advice. I love watching aspiring artists.

Now that thats how the way, I would like to bestow upon fans of my SSA series, that it will be my next project. Finishing up that series once and for all. So stay tuned for that as it *MIGHT* be the first collaboration with Mr. Short-Fagtor. Ness Collab doesnt count. If i allow him in it, prepare for one heck of a flash movie!

Btw: Please put Final Fantasy Sonic X:Ep6 into the Sonic Collection and/or Final Fantasy Collection! ^^

-BDX Out.

P.S: Heres a little something to keep get you pumped. Of course this is getting re-worked as this was made before FFSX6 was completed....Short Factor did the fight scene in the intro/menu. I did everything else.

So without further ado...
SSA: Heart of the Hedgehog part 2


that is kinda short but its awesome.

Tis what previews are.

okkkkk where is SSA:Heart of the Hedgehog part 1

its titled. Super Smash Allstars:HoH

"R: Im not a fan of his work. There were a ton of flashes out there gone unrecognized, but he does the same thing and gets praise. His flashes are good, but hes garnering way to much hype for something
that was done before."

thank god someone with sense!

Apparently im alone in that thought as well.

I use most of those kinds of answers for my "fan PM's" as well.

Well, except the MSN, YIM, AIM one.

Amazing that im not the only one!

I dont get SSA: Heart of the Hedgehog part 2, it's just sonic jumping to the ME, and the we uses the 7 chaos emeralds, it's that a preview or what?

Thats the preloader.

Some people are just ridiculous sometimes. I used to get messages, asking for flash lessons. :/

I dont mind helping people. I just wont start it from scratch. Get the basics down and id help from there.

hey this is for blackdevilx i dont know the details for this but my good freind the true innocence666 asked me to say this an internet fraud named innocence666 total
wants something of you and i think its to do with the true innocences work on this
program but ask him not me and all i have to say is stay away from him man and he
will try anything to solve whatever it is he wants doing


where is ssa: heart of the hedgehog part 1 dude all of us plus myself want to see it

You're 20 years old and you animate sprites? Stick figures are less embarrassing.

Your 16 years old and you haven't done shit? Bums are more useful. At least i can animate flash.

Also, Ive been doing this since i was 16 so

SSA is the best, there is no mercy, nuff said.

Hey what's up man! Thanks for the words of encouragement. And no, I don't plan on stopping flash after blowing up. Anyway can't wait to see what you have in store for us!


Umm this comment has nothign to do with the post but I recently wrote a review for ffsx ep:5 and I made a mistake in it! NONE OF THE INTROS TO ANY OF THE FFSX EPISODES WERE BAD NO. 5 IS JUST MY FAV! I'm soory for wasting your time and space But I felt like I should apologixe early before you read it Bye and Sorry!

Hey I like your animation rocks the movment of the characters is cool you got it pefect man keep it up just one question the SSA: Heart of the Hedgehog part 2 is it near to completion or not half way through I seen it ,its pretty cool but are you still working on it ?

I am writing the script for it.

HAHA wow I didn't think you wanted to show that to everyone yet. I am still up for working with you on the project, so I will be fine if you want to remake this. I would like to take a crack at a remade intro part if I do say so myself, as well as assisting with the rest of the movie.

Old .swf is old.

I showed it to them with the intentions of redoing it.

Just not atm.

seems you guys have some fun but SSA was very short and will you ever give brawl sign ups again i joined newgrounds when it was over

SSA is a very old series of mines. Back when i was starting flash.

u have brawl right? Can i have ur friend code?

I don't think you should get SQFP confused with SMBZ I'm of fan of both series and yours but I think there more different Alvin is more original and more along the line's of what is meant to be but I'm not here to chance you mind about his flash's or for you to like him I'm just saying my opinion and respecting yours.

It's not that i dont like him. I dont like the hype. He does Sonic and DBZ with a used DBZ storyline. Its not his story, and basically we know how tis going to turn out. Due to its based on the cell saga of DBZ. Granted SQFP and SMBZ are different, however the whole DBZ thing was started really by LgdVegetto, and i remember the times where he didnt get front or the hype for his stuff.

Also alot of things that people who come to this site dont understand is that one may have a superior quality but look at the dates submitted. You cant compare and Older flash to a newer one because there going to have a different quality.


I completely go with on that were people don't get front page and there flash's never get recognized like TTA great series but since no one hardly viewed kirbopher ended it hopefully people would look at other flash and say hey this is not so bad as for the SMBZ and Alvin even though he maybe using a used storyline that was not recognized i don't think he is gonna follow that same storyline the whole way through(judging by the way Ep 7 reviews are) by the way did any of your movies get front cause they look like they should?

Yeah, FFSX1 and FFSX5. Also the MM collab i was in.

And yeah, I didnt really know who kirbopher was until his part in the MM Collab.

I thought X6 was but it didnt and im fine with what i got (people still saw it and it got passed round the net anyways XD)

yeah where did you got the vegeta and trunks sprites

where did you find tha flash 8?

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