Yes there, i said it. Go on hate me, i don't care. Why do i say this? There is not a damn sprite movie on NG, that doesn't have some reviewer comparing it to SMBZ, or to Alvin-Earthworms work. Guess what, Alvin-earthworm is not the leading man on sprite movies. So to constantly compare every fucking sprite movie to that of SMBZ is a damn shame. This is one of the reason why sprite movies are declining, not because of him making flash, its because stupid people who constantly cant stay off his dick long enough to compare it with any other sprite movie every made. I'm pretty sure Alvin didn't do this intentionally, but you know what, he didn't help it by not addressing to his fans that NOT EVERY SPRITE MOVIE HAS TO BE LIKE SMBZ IN ORDER FOR IT TO BE GOOD. So seriously, some of you fans of his need to STFU, about how a certain flash would have been better if Alvin-Earthworm, would have joined it. This is why he quit or is on hiatus or whatever, because you fanboys of his are irritating even HIM! Anyways, heres my advice to all the newcomer sprite artists out there, don't use SMBZ as a source of inspiration. DBZ sprite fights are a dying breed that need to be taken out back and shot. Note: I said DBZ sprite fights. Theres a difference between faced paced action and blatant DBZ imitations. Leave DBZ fights to DBZ Characters. Create your own.
Oh, and im pretty sure this is going to blow up in my face, but i don't think his animation skill is that great. Sure he can create super fast paced action, but how hard is it to set the fps to a high amount and NOT tween. Like i said, its been done before.
P.S. If you want to debate me or tell me im wrong, ill be glad to express my points, and debate, but dont be a wuss and hide your opinion in my inbox.
Anyways, i have been practicing my drawing skill (on paper and on flash) and i have to say that my skill is improving bit by bit. I even started to draw out some of my flash animation. So i hope to submit my first animated movie soon.
Check out this picture i drew in flash. Be sure to check out my DeviantArt now and then to see some progress art....maybe XD
Also, lately i have been helping a few flash artist out with some friendly advice, so if theres any work you want advice on, and want to show me for my critique, or just want some tips, i would be happy to help! Sprite animation and normal animation.
Now I'm off to buy Castle Crashers. Feel free to post your opinions, as i read them all and try to respond.
Update: Since many people feel, i have something against alvin-earthworm, Let me clarify, that i dont. He is talented, but need to apply that talent among other things instead of DBZ sprite fights and *shudders* Furries *puke*
oh silly me.
I thought all this time it was the fact that every sprite movie for the last few years has derived almost everything about their scripts and plots and 'jokes' from elements of pop culture and that people are FINALLY catching on to the redundancy of it all, was what was killing sprite movies.
silly silly me
Oh im sorry, because its not like animation is un-original. Im pretty sure theres only ONE awesome series on newgrounds, and no one has ever copied off of that style. Its not like animation takes from pop-culture either, yes everyone knows animation is the pinnacle of originality...