Go fifen all my movies please, black person.
"Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11" - Huey from "The BoonDocks"
Age 0, Male
Gradumacated allredEz
Joined on 4/1/03
Go fifen all my movies please, black person.
It's great to see someone giving serious reviews for flash, something that is seriously overlooked most of the time with people just posting 'that was kwl lol' and giving it a 10 regardless. Your idea of scaling scores for flash is really impressive and I especially hate it when talented artists who could do so much better churn out the same old stuff with little effort. Just look at egoraptor and his 'compilations'.
Keep up the good work, we need reviewers like you.
=) That is another type of scaling i use. I dont want to get used to a flash. I want to be shocked. I want to see something that i havent seen before.
Thanks man.
I'll pray for ur girlfriend since u rock
How about because you care?
Lemme tell ya, I'm not that great at giving reviews. Hell, I've given quite a few one-liners. But anyway, I think you hit it spot on. Everything you've mentioned is something I... might take into consideration. It's certainly a lot better than "lol, awesome!".
Review my flashes LOL :D
oh and...
I hope teh surgery will go fast and well
i voted for obama cause im a sexist and i hate palin!!!
also i wanted to see republicans cry
Hey man, I hope your girlfriend will be ok ): I have one too and I would understand how it feels like to be concern of her safety, I wish you and her both the best
I dig that you review based on the standard of the time. That's the way it should be.
It's interesting to see that you're taking grading flashes in a new light, but don't you think that the majority of people who haven't read this post/blog/comment/whatever will just think your being obnoxious, considering that they'll see you marking down their score as lower than something which was just made by a newbie and is probably lower-grade?
I suppose you could comment on how you're grading in the review, and avoid that snag altogether.... gah, just strikes me as over-complicating matters.
Also, pity about your girlfriend... what disease is it? Hope she gets through alright.
I hope not. It's isnt about me trying to be obnoxious to popular artists. For instance. I like There she is!!! If he kept doing the same type of story in all his future flashes, i will comment on it, and his 9 or 10 would drop down to an 8 or 7. Take SMBZ for instance. I gave it a 6 because it looked like the other ones, in terms of fighting and animation.
Ill use another reference. I used to like the 'Awesome' stuff. Now that everyone and there grandma jumped on that bandwagon, it lowers the standard of his work. There are many different things i take into consideration when i review a flash.
However, there are some flashes that i dont review, because i know that they wont change a thing. They will still keep the same style, the same sort of dialogue, same jokes....
Also, she has an infection in her gallbladder. =/
good luck wiht you girlvriend i hope she gets better soon^^
Haha, remember when 50% of the front page flashes were sprite movies? And when the first Pico was actually something worth playing?
So...How's Final Fantasy Sonic X going?
So...this post has nothing to do with that.
dat thing about obama
im wit u people only voted for him cause hes black
my whole skool is like 90 pecent black was overly hype about
ok then. Just wondering. Also, I hope your girlfriends ok. Yay Obama.......ok later.
Don't worry, if she fights the sickness then she will get over in no time. Right now she needs all the support she can get. She needs you, man. I hope that she gets better.
P.S. : Look at my account.
"I am glad he won, but i am convinced that most people voted for him because he was black. Especially the minorities."
By the way, this post needs to be more like SMBZ :D.
oh, don't worry I'm sure she'll be better in no time.
I hope she gets better and the surgery goes 100% perfect!
Thank you.