GOD I just hate when people compare SMBZ to othe flashes. it sorta makes me feel that if I made a flash movie people are LIE OMG SMBZ ROXERS MY BOXERS. Dude ur flash is actually better than SMBZ becasue you actaully made improvements casue it took you 2 years to make FFSX6. It turned out well. SMBZ7 it was pretty good... but u were right about not having any improvements. I stick with you on that part. IT always cause problems with people when someone talks about SMBZ.
1st of all SMBZ is just a flash movie it isn;t like OMG ITS SUPER MAN TAKING A PISS.
2nd comapring to someon elses flash to SMBZ gets people [pissed off and quit or stop making sprite movies.
3rd All of you have a useless life if you are just wating on the computer all day taking a shoit on the chair until the next one comes out. Go out and hang out with friends ur girlfriend. JUst be patient till the next one comes out.
Also, BDX did you even start Super SMash allstars? If so, what perecentage?
THank you for listening i mean reading xD.
Woah youre still alive XD grats man on beating the odds! ah well~ peace
Wow. Talk about a blast from the past. I thought YOU died, or fell of the internet or something. Its good to hear from you.