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Rants, Castle Crashes Review, and Responses to my last blog post.

Posted by BlackDevilX - September 15th, 2008

Why is it that everyone calls America fat? I am tired of hearing shit like fat America this and fat America that. Granted statistically, i believe we are the most overweight country. But what people don't realize is that the category overweight doesn't account for muscle mass, so a 220 pound man with nothing but muscle is overweight. Currently, I am in Canada, and i must say, i have seen more overweight people walking around in a 1 block radius, then i have seen on the streets of Manhattan! So what im really trying to say is that all you other nationalities who talk about how "I just came to america and the stereotypes are true, everyones fat" Can go suck a fat one. =D Go take a walk around.


A few weeks ago i got CC, and i must say, i rather enjoy it! I love the fact of the elements and stuff added to each character, and i love how each enemy reacts to a certain character (Lava world, i had to switch from my green knight to my Blue Knight on insane). Even though there were a couple of weird glitches to be fixed, (Such as the boomerang boss glitch, and if your playing with multiple people and you use it on the bat boss, and if you die, your boomerang stays there, and you LEVEL while your dead XD) I still enjoy playing it.


I like to thank everyone who commented on my last blog post about alvin earthworm. it was nice to hear from a few popular artists, and to hear your guys input on the situation. Like i said, I withdraw my statement and say that his fans are too blame.

However, the ones id like to REALLY address in this one, is the animators who seem to bash sprites.
So ill just say it like this.

Unless you work for some major animation company, you have no right to judge whats entertainment and whats not. So really just shut the fuck up, because most of you animators who bash sprites, cant draw worth a shit yourselves. i know people who do sprite work and have an incredible drawing skill, but choose to sprite because its easier. So really, your not all that great. If sprites were as shit as you say, then why do we keep taking the awards from your animations? Its because we work just as hard copy and pasting as you do drawing it out. Like i said, sprite doesn't hold a lick of anything to animation, but its no reason to be a hater as in like i said...

MOST ANIMATIONS ON NEWGROUNDS HAVE TAKEN SOME SORT OF CONTENT FROM SOME SHOW THEY HAVE SEEN BEFORE. I.E. FAMILY GUY, MONTY PYTHON, ANIME, ETC ETC ETC... How many times have i seen an awesome movie, NOT made by egoraptor? Good job, you drew it but guess what, ya still stole the concept. Even if you did say you did.

Leave your comments/flame as i love to read and respond, like always =D.


120% agree and that one of the reason i don't make animations, (beside the fact im lazy as hell) is i can't even draw a good stick man, i did for a while think about using sprites but id hate to go and make a movie then people say. "well sprites suck or you took the idea from alvin earthworm (don't get me wrong dude a great sprite artists.... but now all sprite animations are call copying him what the fuck?) anyhow moving on to the point, ive yet been able to play CC due to fact im a wii man. yet with the xbox 360 now being $199 bucks i could see getting it. let see... i cover animations/CC what next oh yes about the overweight subject, i went to england for the summer with a friend. now i seen a lot of overweight people and not people from the usa, im talking about British people.

p.s sorry for the gammer i know it sucks,btw plz keep up with your sonic game

360 is 200?! gtfo.

and yeah, its what im talkin about. But you dont hear people goin fat britian. OR Fat Canada. ITs always Fat America

L0L Robert Benfer ring any bells?

Wow, i thought he died.

australia's the fattest country, now :3

also, regarding the sprites thing, people only rag on those who use other people's sprites, like sonic, mario and megaman.

creating sprites (and i don't mean palette-swapping) is just as artistic as using a paintbrush. i support sprites, but not the use of other people's sprites.

one last thought: " Its because we work just as hard copy and pasting as you do drawing it out."


You can lmao all you want ;D that was a joke. Glad ya found it funny.

You don't know fat until you've been to Mississippi. It's the fattest place on Earth.

....which is in America...

america shouldent be called fat jeez who knows they're might be some lazy fats in canada who knows?

If there out and about walking around, i don't think their lazy. But who knows XD

lulz fat american </sarcasm>

Ima canadian, My older bro says americans are dum... I deny that.
Im not a tad bit offended how you say most canadians are overweight atleast Im not.

Where exactly are you in canada? Im in B.C.

About your new hand drawn series, are your hand drawn pictures the same as your mouse drawn? Im a artist myself in real life... so I wanted to ask ...

I wasnt trying to insult canadians, so im glad you see that. Also Im in ON. Right between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. 10-15 mins from both.

And my mouse drawing is worse then my hand drawing. i have a steady hand with pencil, but with the mouse/tablet pen, its hard... Kind of like signing a signature pad at walmart or something.

Fat America? That's some BS coming from foreigners. The Canadians are more overweight than America, and yet, no one says anything about them.

Castle Crashers sounds awesome, but unfortunately I can't get it. :(

Well said.
It seems though, that people always got to find a reason to bash sprites. If they can't animate themselves, they have no right to criticize other people who actually work, especially those who use sprites. Apparently though, everyone loves awesome rip-offs a lot better than sprite animations.

No one says anything about Britians poor dental hygiene. But they get to talk about America? Fuck that.

And you should get it. its awesome.

first of all, its true, not all americans are fat, They DO exist but its not like it all the population, in fact im afraid mexico has an even worse rate of obesity.

also, I think there is too much drama about sprites and shit.there are many hand drawn movies that are HEAVILY more overrated than that. like the "false egoraptors" no offense to anyone, but really, most people in Ng are sheep.

Sprites are the scapegoat to most NG Animators who create shameful material.

"lets blame sprites because they copy and paste while totally ignoring our own transgressions"

true. like mindchamber said, sprites are declining in popularity because the spriters are getting lazyer and lazyer.

when people think of sprite animation they dont think of me, or you, or short factor, they think on meatwad sprite and in the other lame spriters, THAT is the reason why sprites are down on their luck. period

Yeah, but you know, we were all lame spriters once. (You should have seen shorts first movie. Hell You should have seen MINES.)

Its all about self improvement. try to create your own style. Look at proxicide. i dont even know HOW he does it (I know HOW he does in a general meaning but ya know what i mean XD)



nah dude 360 is 200$ now

dont cha know?


shit. I payed like 400 in 06 =/


Keeeeeeeeeep telling yourself that fatty.

If im fat, then what are you tons-o-fun?

sure there are guys that like to improve, watch my first animations so you can see how much have I improved, But the spriters I have in mind have no intention WHATSOEVER to improve, and will keep making utter shit until we stop it

And thats where you have to group in those with someone else. Im pretty sure rubberninja doesnt want to be compared with BigFuzzyKitten?

thta took me a long time to read and you are fuckin right man

My last post was longer

Ehh... One more thing Since I can't edit my comments.

How much is flash, If I can afford it I'll try it out... Spriting ftw.

i think like 700 or something

I've learned to just ignore the sprite haters. No matter how many good points you make they'll always try to get the last word in. But I don't really mind it because animation is a hobby for me, not a career. I'm focusing more on my music and I've actually got some connections in the industry. For example the guy who worked with me on my "Enemies" song is actually performing at the 2008 Latin Grammy's in November.

Instead of trying to argue with sprite haters I just do my best and let my movies speak for themselves. I've actually got quite a few sprite haters to say "I usually don't like sprite movies, but this one actually quite good in terms of story and animation". I actually love getting reviews like that because it shows that you can impress even the most dedicated sprite hater.

Anyway, my co-author and I have been working our asses off to make the finale of my series one of the best sprite movies to ever grace the portal. Here's a preview of the final battle. Keep in mind that this is just a beta, and will look much better when it's completed. Also keep in mind that the battle will be pretty long and one of the main characters will do, but I'm not saying who. You'll just have to wait until the movie comes out ;)

<a href="http://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ffvifinalbattlepreview2ah5.swf&width=480">http://img220.imageshack.us/my.php?im age=ffvifinalbattlepreview2ah5.swf&am p;width=480</a>

Not only is it going to have some awesome action sequences, but it will be heavily story-based as well. I truly believe this movie has the potential to convert some sprite haters.

Cool flash man. I like the effects and the sword fight. Animating is a hobby for me as well, but when i do make something, why should the pretentious dicks of animators control what content should be allowed on NG?

NG is an unbiased site. People should feel free to make anything they want. Also, where in Canada are you?

Se above respoinses.

I agree with you 100% on the sprites rant man, while i love sprites and sprite animations to death, i really do. i just don't see why alvin earthworm is really THAT famous and influential, if anyone's seen his amazing drawing talent, they'll see just how easy it is to make sprite movies, granted that they are hard to make a decent looking one, but when it comes to the nitty gritty, it's not really doing much except for placing pixels in sequence and then tweening them around the screen, don't get me wrong, alvin is an amazing sprite animator but i don't really see why he bothers doing sprites if he can draw that great.

yes, yes i'm fully aware that i only have sprite submissions, but before y'all flame me, check out my dA page and see some of my more recent work

so anyway back on track i'm with you 100% BDX

XD, im off about that alvin earthworm business. Like i said, this one was moreso for the animators who are full of em selves. But the main point of this was the fat America stuff XD

1) Australia is now the fattest country (i think...the news says it a lot but I'm not sure if its true or if they are trying to scare us) I'm not overweight myself...nor do I see many overweight people around either...so...i dunno how it works...

2)back in my youtube days I worked with sprites...lol...so I have nothing agaisnt them...I think it's fun...ripping each individual sprite and pasting them onto each and every frame so close together just to make it as smooth as possible, wasting Hours Of Your Life Just To Make SEVEN SECONDS OF ANIMATION!!....the only thing I have a slight problem with is those damn sticks!! I like some of them....just not all...due to the fact that 2 thirds are crap. lol

You must be using Windows Movie Maker to make sprite animations

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