"Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11" - Huey from "The BoonDocks"

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Gradumacated allredEz


Joined on 4/1/03

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I want CC but I don't have a 360 :(

Apparently its 200 now. So if you have the money, go go go get one! XD

I'll agree with you on the sprite haters comment. Sprite bashers are the most common form of idiot, yet they don't see anything wrong with stolent content (Death note, Simpsons, e.t.c). But nooo, turn it to sprites and people hate you for it. Know what I think? They're only doing it for their ego's sake, making themselves look badass while harassing authors for using sprites.

americans are all fat
true story :D

And all English lack dental hygiene, due to the 50 cups of tea and crumpets you drink everyday. And i guess because you're from the UK im guessing you must look like Mr.Bean. I say old boy! Chip Chap Cheerio.

actually statistically Scotland is the most overweight country

Scotland huh?

actually no, there are like 5 or 6 very small islands that are the omst over weight, but the most over weight 'bigger country' if you want to be picky is ironically kuwait. if you don't know what kuwait its a sovereign Arab emirate on the coast of the Persian Gulf, enclosed by Saudi Arabia ... actually at the film course in scotland i taught like 7 Kuwaities, and they were telling me how in kuwait everyone is excessively lazy and drive everywhere, this of course is because they have all the oil.

I think they mean wolrd power. The most overweight out of most populous.

and by the way, not even if your in some major animation company can you judge whats entertainment and what's not. the only thing one can possibly do when they critisize something is say how much they don't like it themselves. so don't worry about those people. there is no such this as right or wrong, just favorability among individuals.

Yes but you know, when those individuals bash sprites without any real given means, other then how their un-original and pre-made, then no. they have no open mind to things, and as such should not be allowed to judge. it takes an open mind to develop. How can one develop if there only on about how OMFG I HAET SPIETZ CUZ THERE UN ORIGINAL END OF STORY. No see thats not really a sufficient enough reason to hate something.

Thank you for your input though

"You must be using Windows Movie Maker to make sprite animations"

i actually was....sadly enough....but thats all i had at the time....an besides....youtube doesnt accept .swf files.......i tried when i first got flash....didnt work, then i remembered good old NG.

yeah, i remember someone on my list saying he used it. i commende dhim for the hard work

Dude Japanese are fatter than we are. Do people ever give a shit about those other countries no SUMO.I agree with you on that 1.

I went to Canda a few weeks ago on Labor Day weekend.
I really have to agree with you though how there are more fat people in other countries. When I went to a Mc Donalads in Canada the only thing I saw was fat people like crazy. To me, that's just sad.

Wow, I never knew canadians were that fat, cuz in mai area they ish nawt... BUT THERE ARE FAT BITCHES >=O

Do you know any good sprite series so I'm looking for a good one.

I don't think there's a problem with fat people, people should not say "You're fat" to someone cause they're just being bitches. i wish i had flash cause it'd be cool, also i'm fat too. also if i had flash, let's say i made a movie showing sounds of family guy sounds on sprites is that a bad thing or should i just start over. tell me what you think.

ive heard ur good at brawl so i want to challenge u! PM me ur code k

BDX ya know shadowNCS well he made one flash and has a better whistle status then you your is bronze and his is silver


the point is how did he did that you made more then 10 and he made 1 so whats the catch

whistle levels arent determined by movies. Read the Faq

right....do you know a game its just like super smash flash by cleod 9 but that game is with strawberry lock and some other idiots and if you do tell me and that game wasnt made by cleod 9

anyone here still plays castle crashers add me: sonicstream199