"Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11" - Huey from "The BoonDocks"

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whos alvin earthworm????????

I dunno?

I agree with you and many other people: sprite movies are declining due to people sticking to 1 person to do it all! Sure, Alvin-Earthworm is great at flash, but I'm not up his ass waiting for a new episode everyday like SOME people are. I simply check maybe... once a month. Not there? Oh well. I have other things to see. And it's true: quality isn't having people getting beat the crap out of graphically every 5 mintutes! It's having special graphics, effects, and the rest. To me, storyline ALSO affects quality. Without one, it's just a dumb flash animation that will get nowhere important. Sprite movies decline due to the fact some viewers don't have the attention span to like it unless there's blood. Without it, a hardworking flash animator has this: zomg wtf u sux me want sonic kick marios a$$ roflmao XP. Reviews like that make me sick that I even like sprite animations. Everything falls when people can't even pay attention to the other factors (*cough* drama, comedy, suspense *cough*). I'm simply too tired (and scared, I think someone is in my house) to continue. But long story short, people have the attention span of a cocker spaniel when it comes down ot sprite animations, which is killing its communty. John, out.

And thats how a fan should be. You check every now and then on a series, and then go on. Not stay all up on them. Not comparing every single flash movie. Animators don't get this. How would they like it if i compared a parody movie to family guy ALL the time? I'm pretty sure they get sick of it, especially since family guy isnt the leader in all of parody/skit stuffs.

What annoys me about Alvin's fans is that they claim him as the best animator ever when he doesn't animate (or even DRAW) shit. The SMBZ movies are well-made and well-choreographed, sure, but there's no artistic merit, creativity, lasting value (to people over the age of 13), etc.

His success is down to four things: Mario, Sonic, Dragon Ball Z, and a very large knowledge of flash as a program (i have no idea if he actually knows much about animation/colour theory - judging by his perverted deviantart gallery, I'd say 'not much'). Three of these factors have absolutely massive fanbases which partake in a big number of NG's audience.

Sprite movies are in decline because everyone's making the same crap, day in, day out, for people who for some retarded reason actually enjoy watching the same crap day in day out. It's pretty ironic when someone tells you 'oh character x looks like character y from Karate Man, lol what a ripoff', and then goes off to watch something like 'Mario Smash Bros X Chakra Fantasy Part 3'.

A lot of people are also beginning to 'wake up' and see how damn lazy and easy-to-make sprite movies are, even compared to the Foamy shorts and the Awesome compilations. Some sprite movies got away with it by having good writing and some neat ideas (and honestly, blooper reels aren't harming anyone), but taking advantage of the game's setting and characters has slowly devolved into the more juvenile stuff like 'lol Mario farted on Luigi!'

...which is why i want to branch out. I am getting tired of spriting, and making sprite animations. However, i disagree that sprite movies are easy to make. Sprite movies may be easy, but a GOOD sprite movie take time. look a Super Mario Reloaded. Do you seriously think THAT was easy?

I am one of those people who are waking up, however i wake up to the realization that sprite movies will do nothing to increase artistic skill.

You've made a good point there. And as other people have clearly stated, Sprite movies are also declining because no one wants to invest enough damn effort into creating one that's actually good. But who am I to talk? I can't even make an animation of my own.

You should try it. Its not hard, and id help you. And yes, lately people put no effot into their submissions.

"he didn't help it by not addressing to his fans that NOT EVERY SPRITE MOVIE HAS TO BE LIKE SMBZ IN ORDER FOR IT TO BE GOOD. "

You're acting like he has to tell people how to act and shit. That's not the truth. Honestly, I'm not a fan of the series but to be blunt with you, He shouldn't have the responsibility of others opinions. It's ALL opinions in the end, and how they view it. Just like you are entitled to your own person opinion so are everybody else. If everyone liked his work, than seriously just lay it off. No need to diss on the guy cause of his fan boys or whatever. That's not right by saying "his work isnt that good" Just relax and take it in for a bit.

Chill out dude. Sprite movies don't succeed in the end anyway (:

No No i didnt mean it like that. What i meant was, that people who get inspired by his work, want to create his style, thus spawning many DBZ sonic things on Newgrounds, thus spawning the people who think all sprite movies are the same, and thus attrbuting to the decline of sprite animations.

His work is good, but his animation isnt. Theres alot of things he could do, that hes kept consistant for the length of his series. He doesnt have to tell people how to act, but ya know he should influence people to create something unique.

I hope he takes this time to actually do something different.

You've got a point. People constantly want to be like Alvin Earthworm and copy his style,not to mention compare every sprite flash to his.So now, youve got a bunch of fanboy clones! there is a fine line between a tribute and a clone.And remember, Fanboyism is not an honor, ITS A DISEASE!!!

There not even fans. The way some act, there like his personal entourage. Saying "If it aint SMBZ, then it isnt that awesome" or "Damn this would have been so much better if Alvin was in it"

so alvin when is SSMZ 99 coming out? : D

It sounds more like your issue is with the fanbase that was SPAWNED from Mario Z than anything else, which makes sense. As far as I know, Marc just made that as a hobby and not for any sort of popularity of thinking "THIS IS SUCH A GREAT IDEA" or anything and people just blew it out of proportion.

Yeah. I know it sounds wrong, as in he isnt directly the cause. His fan base is. But im pretty sure, that some of his fans contacted him and asked, 'How do you make such awesome fights?! I want to create a movie just like yours'.

Now it isnt his responsibility to tell people how to do their flash, but some one has to step up and tlel people to start making more original sprite flash. I know its hard considering that sprites aren't original, but you could try to bring something fresh.

When people IM asking, "hey i want to make a Sonic Rpg just like yours", i tell them, "why dont you try to make a few movies first."

But still. He didnt have to churn out episodes so quickly. I understand that he likes getting movies out, but he churned out so fast and created such a strong following, that newcomer sprite artists want to create DBZ as a quick way of gaining a fan-base and suces, which in turn is making the NG community think that All the sprite movies are the same.

You almost sound like you're trying to suggest that sprite movies are a respectable form of animation. With or without Alvin-Earthworm's influence, it's the same old shit every time anyway. It's not like you're making your own characters or story that reflects any piece of yourself, it's a lazy man's way to get internet attention. He's a familiarity whore who's riding the popularity of characters that he didn't draw, are not his and never will be, and so is pretty much anybody else who touches that bullshit. Don't let it get to you, if he's incapable of taking a a few hours to draw his own animation cells and create his own characters. As long as you're staying original, drawing your own characters, and not pasting together pictures copied from a videogame into something that the creators of the original game would probably laugh at. Sprites and familiar characters always get a whole 1.0 score higher than they deserve.

You know, people hate on sprite movies like they are nothing. Sprite movies are respectable. It may not show you how to animate but you know what, it shows you how to use flash. Now with that being said, anime is the same old shit. Protagonist, has a special problem or power. With that being said, all animes have the same plot. Just like a majority of submissions. No offense, but i bet i could look at your submissions, and find a bunch of different shows it was inspired from, just as you can do with mine. People bitch about sprite movies being the same but forget that 85% of all NG animations are the same as some show out on tv somewhere.

Sprites arent a respectable form of animation in a way, but you know what, it isnt easy to create a good sprite flash because of insolent users, who are too close minded to just enjoy the content. Also its called "NG: Everything By Everyone." Not "NG: Animation by pretentious dicks who are too close minded to allow anything else." And no, that wasn't aimed at you, or any animator in peticular.

Well I agree as well about sprite movies, sprite doesnt need alot of action and nonsense to look good, it should have good quality ,and some sprite movies I saw that is almost like alvins style, well I say they will have a hard time to do that kind of animation ,but they should come there own style animation at least, one thing the art you made is cool butI think you should'nt use that yet until FFSX you are making is over so you should stick to sprite till that time comes.

That was just a test. I drew the landscape in 2 minutes. Originally it was just sonic.

The reason every compares other sprite movies to Alvins's is because he actually set the bar higher when it came to timing, angles and dynamic action. You cant blame people for looking for a higher standard ,
He aint killin shit, ya need to step your sprite game up, or be taken out simple as that. But if you really wanna destroy that standard, then take it to the next level and draw your next pieces, sprite animation is supposed to be a learning piont for the next level animation which is orginal flash. BUt if you want to stay in the sprite game, ya need to destroy that best at it atm, thats Alvin and Proxide

Proxicide, yes. Alvin, no.

And no I dont want to stay in the sprite game. I've mentioned before that i am in fact, practicing drawing, and sonic just isnt going to cut it. Honestly, I don't think my spriting ability is that bad. Its no where near the best, but you know it isn't bad. Proxicide took the bar, and blew it out of the water. Nobody can do what he can do, and thats what makes him so great. Alvin? i think enough users can do that, or even try to. I am not blaming the people who want to make stuff like them, but you know what, everyone should still make their own style IMO. But you know what, people can try too lok to alvin for inspiration, just stop compraing the users who ARENT trying to be like him, WITH him.

I am actually glad some one like you, sint the type of person who sits up and say, SPRITE MOVIES SUCK LOLOLOL GO GET NEW HOBY RETARD. Shows your respect, at least thats how your coming across.

I don't agree that it's Alvin's fault, but I do agree with you on people comparing it so SMBZ.

It's stupid that some people can't see a diffrence.

And it is that difference that people judge all sprite movies.

I was quite the fan of Alvin's work. He was a GREAT sprite animator and had mad skillz. However, one thing that pissed me off was that he was too ignorant and stupid. Ever heard of Eternity's Child that was supposedly coming to WiiWare? The creator Lenard Buc (or whatever his name is) got so fed up from a couple of bad impressions that he official denounced himself from the gaming making business to work on his art to be come an unknown guy again.

What is wrong with Alvin is that he doesn't know how to take criticism. When hundreds of people don't like sprites and you make a sprite movie that is popular, you are 100% GUARANTEED to notice a few "haters." Alvin just wasn't man enough to except that fact, and began to "lose interest in the popular series." Again, I LOVED his work, visited his deviantart page and still wait for the next episode (which I can watch on youtube, but choose to see it bunched together) but if this grown man can't take what comes with popularity, not everybody liking you, maybe he should stop visiting the internets.

As for comparing every sprite movie to SMBZ, I do think it's a little absurd, but it comes with the territory; people can't forget great movies.

Your picture is really nice. I tried to draw sonic a number of times but always fail. My grass textures are always bad as well. I only managed to get one completely "right" but the others flat out suck.

People cant forget it, but they dont need to be reminded of it. Also, i had heard he was arrogant. Criticism is what makes us stronger as artists. If someone doesnt like something, i try harder to improve so that i can turn a hater.

hey man are you working in the ep 7 of final fantasy sonic?

Maybe sprite movies are declining because more people are realising they can actually make things for themselves. I used to make sprite movies when I started animation, they helped me get off the ground. But I wouldn't go any further with them now.
The best movies on NG are ones where all the animation and graphics have been made by the artist. In my opinion sprite movies demonstrate little tallent. At the end of the day you aren't any better than the graphics made by some guy at nintendo.
So to conclude, I think people are finally doing something original and leaving behind sprites. Do we really need any more sprite movies? They all follow the same basic pattern, which I think is boring.

This website is about variation. If you take out sprite movies, then this site wont have everything, would it?

Your a massive hypocrite, do you really not see the irony in all this?

'Leave DBZ fights to DBZ. Create your own.'

Why not leave the Sonic sagas to the Sonic animes. At the end of the day I don't care if you make a Sonic flash or not, but you can't condemn people for the same blatant things you are doing.

Why not leave animations to real animators then? I am not condemning Alvin.

That's true and i agree with most of it... That army of 12 yo SMBZ'tardz "OH its good but NOT nearly as SMBZ" kills sprite animations here >_>.
DBZ fighting, i dunno BDX they are actually easier to do than realistic hand to hand fight or sword fight, but yeah i also have been lacking basic beat everything up using BEAMS flashes on ng XD.

I recall you said alvin uses high fps... As i remember he said that he uses 24 but whatever... but you said it... mario with DBZ powers is old idea.

So yeah... Good picture man.... i really like it, but i sonic drawn flashes are reused here ;]...
Take care

Hey DuDuL

24, is fairly high, but you know what, it isnt really a smooth clean FPS rate. If he could make it in 30, and make everything smooth, Id be impressed.

Even I do it but I agree, people expect too much from the spriters mostly.

I wish I could make my own sprite movies. It will change the world I hope...

Its the animators who are bringing sprite animations down.

alvin works fine and hard and all i can know about friendly advices to some other flash artists is calling them an asshole right work alone like arnas

Didnt say he didnt. But if he cant take criticism, then he will never improve.

so when's the next FFSX coming out?
I agree, most sprite types nowadays involve fighting on the DBZ genre, there should be more story to it.

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