"Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11" - Huey from "The BoonDocks"

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i like how any review thats a 9 or 10 no matter how poorly written it may be, will never be deleted

Finally, we agree on something.

@ 2) Wait, your asking what way you should hold a pen/pencil? Well in my opinion no particular way... You should hold it in a way your fingers feel comfortable and you can still draw.

@ 1) What's a tablet O_o

A tablet is kind of like a drawing mouse pad. it comes with a pen, and mouse. Alot of animators use it, because its like drawing on paper, except it comes up on the computer. its very useful. I was asking how to hold then pen because it has this button on the side and its uncomfortable.

Idiots are everywhere, BlackDevil.
Some you have to deal with, some you have to ignore, and some you just have to put in their place.

I lol'd at that idrkam or whatever his/her/its name was. Truly a waste of oxygen.

As for FFSX:6, you did a good job on that one mate.

Now as for for smbz:7, I liked it too, I dunno what to say, but it does seem very mainstream and repetitive.


@ Previous comment: Oh, I guess practicing with those led pencils with buttons on the side would be good? Im not sure about the size of the pen. Yea I guess the last part of 2 would do it... holding to the buttons I guess.

I had a feeling there would be backlash over your review. A few years ago I would have done the same, but now I prefer to see a well thought out and constructive review rather than one liners like "Z0MG. Y0U R0X0R5". I have the same problem on my Deviantart account.
While we're on the subject though, I'll give you feedback on your various points in the review.

I am aware that the dialogue was very long and drawn out this time compared to previous episodes. I was trying to add more story rather than fight scenes. Needless to say, I have seen whole episodes of DBZ where not a single punch was thrown, so it really wasn't that bad in comparison.

As for Araskin's characters talking in their short cameo. It was a more effective means for fans of Bowser's Kingdom to know that it was Jeff and Hal rather than some random Koopa and Goomba.
The fact I don't make everyone else have dialogue isn't laziness, it's due to the fact that I just don't want to add it. I prefer having text boxes so I can use my imagination to make them sound how I want. It doesn't help that I tend to be picky when it comes to VA's. I won't lie to you either, a few of the VA's in your FFSX series are cringe worthy.

As for the overall graphic and animation. Ep 7 was started a few months after I had finished ep 6, then I took a year hiatus from using flash. You really think I was working on it during the whole 16 months? The only reason I haven't improved is because I haven't used it in ages and admittedly got a little rusty.
I do intend to attempt on taking things up a notch in ep 8. How I will do that is for me to find out. I will cut down on the hit sparks in future though.
Oh yeah, as for the "Lame DBZ fighting style". It's not called Super Mario bros Z for nothing.

Anyways, those are my views on the critique for ep 7. I'm hoping to improve at least slightly by the next episode.
I wish us both luck in our future endeavors.

Yeah, i figured as much. I also have to apologize for giving you such a harsh review. I DID mean everything i said, but i could have pointed out some more positive things. The reason why i didnt was simply because of the amount of people you would have gotten dropping one-liners, like you said. I decided to just counteract that all those idiotic positive one-liners with a well thought out constructive. Really, it wasnt bad, so i hope that you didnt think i hated it.

As for the whole, graphics and animation, yeah i fully understand you. if you have a chance go check out the OLD FFSX6, and you will see that it does look pretty crappy in comparison to the new one, and that was because i started right after FFSX5, but a few months ago, i scrapped it and started anew. Like i said, its not that i was bashing you dude, but for all the amount of attention and praise you were getting, I expected more. especially after such a long time. Back then, your animation and graphics were fine for its time, but its a new age man. people are improving and catching up. i just wanted to see you do the same.

And as for the critique on the DBZ fighting style, the only reason why i dont like it now, is because they credit you as the pioneer of it, which isnt true, and the fact that everyone seems to start to imitate it. The first movie i have seen that has done it (besides DBZ) is Lgd's SQFP series. That, and the fact that any movie that uses it, automatically jumps to 'stop copying off Alvin-Earthworm.' Its not a bad style if used sparingly, but people shouldn't just want to make every sprite flash to be like every other dbz sprite flash out there, but then again i guess its the easiest style to imitate, but granted you do take it to another level, (But no where near LGDVegetto no offense)

Thanks for takin the time to comment. Wish you the best for your flash series as well as mines also. But ill still critique it in a normal fashion, just because id think you'd prefer that id give you a full review, rather than just dropping a one-liner.


That guy that sent that PM. He was pathetic. You and Alvin-Earthworm are two of my favorite sprite movie makers. You both have different ways of making your movies and people just start comparing your work to SMBZ and its just stupid. I hate it when people do that. By the way your site is AWESOME!!! Good luck on episode 7.


Hi BDX, whats up? You're movies rock, and so do you man. I like how you do your own thing, and you're not intimidated by others, standing by your opinion of Alvin (an opinion you KNOW has credence when HE agrees).

Anyway, I was somewhat curious about something, because I'm also seeking to get into the world of sprite animations/ games. I noticed in Episode 6 during the GB move, it looks like Sonic does one of Knuckles' attacks. (The downward fist slam) How'd you manage this?

He does. Its from a sprite sheet by LgdVegetto. A long time ago he gave to me to use it. It was edited himself.

And thanks for the compliment. Popularity means nothing to me, as i group everyone in the same category as people. No one should treat other inferior, just because there popular. It's why i try to help whenever possible.

The sprite was made by editing a sonic sprite and knuckles sprite together, unfortunately though, i cannot send it, as it isnt mines.

sorry man but im gonna have to disagree with you review, it really sounds like you made it our of pure jelousy, I mean im not saying it wasnt a bad review or anything, it just thats what it sounds like, you can bitch me out all you want but im just saying...unless hes your rival or something then yeah I can understand

When Alvin-Earthworm comes to my blog and says he prefers my critical review over stupid one liners, its a slap in the face to all of his fans who do that.

Bottom line is, people don't learn off of 10's. I don't acknowledge people who don't give out well thought out reviews. If you give me a 4, and explain yourself, ill like it better then someone who gives me a 10 saying "OMFG BEST FLAS EVUH MAKE MORE." Im pretty sure he understood where i was coming from.

And no, he isnt my rival. Rivalry is stupid. If anyone is a rival, its MidNightMaren, in which even so, it isnt him, its his Sonic RPG series to my FFSX.

And i don't bitch people out for any reason.

If i was Tom Fulp, and i gave that review, would i be jealous still?

I've had 2 tablets so far both 8 inch by 6 inch they've worked pretty well for me so far. comfy size that i use on my lap or desk and mine reaches the whole screen and still has hotkeys on the side. i just turn the pan ntil i find a point that i dont end up bumping the button. I dunno 8inch by 6 inch works for me. BTW good luck on improving your drawing skills. I'm trying to do the same and i understand its not easy at all. I thought you did good on the sonic picture on deviant art tho.
Mines <a href="http://democ.deviantart.com/">http://democ.deviantart.com/</a> if ya wanna look at my stuff and give some constructive critisizim.

Hi there! I've read through some of your comments over the months, and it seems that you really don't hate Alvin-Earthworm, but more likely his fanbase of those using crappy "one-liners." I see your point, too! When reviewing something, cognitive brain function and all that other jubk is important to use instead of saying: "ZOMG BEST MOVI EVAR L33T TXT LOL OTHR FLASH SUX COMPARD 2 SMBZ U BICH!!!!!!!" I'm glad you're one of those people who uses their brain power to offer constructive criticism instead of support saying to the world "I'm a big dumbass. Please blam me for being dumb." Even though Alvin-Earthworm is good, I could never say he's the best. To me, no man is ever the "best." I just see if it's of good quality and that's it! If it's not, it's not. That is simply their problem. But long story short, I'm glad that you don't hate Alvin, but at the same time, use intelligence to review flash even if it looks flashy. You're truly a powerful man. I wish you and other flash artists like you the best of luck!

By the way, I wish I knew about the tablet! If I did, maybe I could've helped you out a bit. But we all can't get what we want, now can we? Enoguh from me! Enjoy your life in... I think it was Canada, wasn't it? Or was it Brooklyn? Can't remeber! Whatever. Bye Bye!!

Lol, I read the person who sent you the PM it was hilarious... Aren't lots of flashes getting one liners? Espicially the ones that are front page? [ Excuse me for my spelling If I got anything wrong ]

... how much hatemail are you getting..?

when is ffsx episode 7 coming out cuz tht series is awesome

Oh yeah, did you buy flash ?

i enjoy all your flashes. they combine all the things i like: final fantasy, dbz, sonic, and megaman. i hope you come up with something that i would play for hours.

i only came here coz..u know im a fan of ure FFSX series and waiting for the next one to come up.So....when is it gonna come up?

and another thing for that andinator guy...he's an asswhole...one of the first reasons i came to newgrounds was bcoz i wanted to watch FFSX series..and if he's gonna insult it..then you kick him in the ass or balls...-_-