"Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11" - Huey from "The BoonDocks"

Age 36, Male


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Joined on 4/1/03

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Well, like I said in my most recent post, users need to be more original these days. I also have a lot of fans comparing my stuff to Alvin's work, which is completely ridiculous. I work with comedy and story writing, I rarely work fight scenes nowadays. Users should stop comparing my work or anyone else's work with Alvin's flashes. I respect his work and all (I'm not here to spread hate), but my stuff is completely different.

fans should realize that SMBZ isn't the only good sprite flash out there. I want users to follow my example (and maybe even yours) and come up with something unique that Newgrounds hasn't seen before in a sprite animation.

as for the users who hate sprites:

So what if sprites flashes are not original, I don't give a fuck! I only use them to express my creativity using recognizable characters from the old days. Freedom of speech anyone?
Newgrounds is supposed to be EVERYTHING, by everyone. let others express their creativity the way they want to, there's no need to be an asshole around here all the time.

Live and let live, guys...

Exactly dude! Thats what im talking about! People who arent even close to the fighting genre, or dbz, always getting compared to SMBZ. It IS ridiculous.

Randy Solem and other great animators need to come back.

Randy Solem? Sorry no. He can keep his fart jokes.

I'm getting tired with this myself. I personally think he has some good animations, but I don't go praising them like they're the bibles or something. I'll admit I did this once or twice, but then I realized that it could discouraged some people and keep them from coming back to Newgrounds. For example, Meinos's Luigi: Two Lights' Hero. I haven't seen a storyline like this in all of Newgrounds. Even though the fights are DBZ based, the main thing that should be focused on would be how original is the story.

Story is more important then fighting. Well at least to me.

Agreed. Randy Solem could at least carry a original thought.

The point where a genre is dominated by a furry who makes DBZ rip-offs is the time where the old is better then the new.

He started it all with ROTMK and MvS. That was original. Now its been all about the fart jokes.

Do a barrel roll!

I tried, it doesn't work for me

They can live. I can come with original ideas seriously, I'm good at animating sprites (not Mario actually or fighting scenes) but it's just I lost motivation. Why? Maybe Alvin? I don't think so actually, but he didn't inspired me at all, actually... nothing.

When you knwo that all your work is being compared to SMBZ, then who would have the motivation to create anything?


Personally, I don't think SMBZ is the reason sprite movies are becoming less common. And although Alvan Earthworm can make a pretty sweet series, and the best sprite fights, (IMO) it is not the only one out there. I have not actually seen sprite movies compared to SMBZ in any reviews so far, so it can't be that common. Also, there are still some big sprite artists out there. Just look at Bigfoot3290, araskin500/pthouse, randy-solem, and more. I will admit, sprite videos are becoming less popular, but I don't think Alvan is to blame.

Not alvin, SMBZ. And go look at some of the collabs on newgrounds. Perfect example, go read through the reviews of the Ness Collab.

I don't care if you like Alvin-Earthworm or not, but what you're saying is bullshit.
Not because I love him so much that I want to protect him (I really don't care about him as well), but because of a completely different reason.

You claim that sprite movies are declining, because everbody believes he is the "leading man" on sprite movies? What kind of lame excuse is that? Do you say people can't make good sci-fi movies when they saw Star Wars? Do you say people can't make good Fantasy movies when they saw Lord of the Rings? (I don't like both movies that much, but they were the first examples I thought of)

People often seek inspiration by people and stuff they admire. That doesn't mean that it has to be worse.
I just can't see the connection between Alvin's work and the decline of Sprite movies.

You want to know the reason why sprite movies are declining? 2 reasons:
1) there are many people who don't like them, and won't even giv them a chance, because they have been disappointed too often, which brings me to my second point.
2) People are running out of ideas. I don't know why, but there are nearly no sprite movies out there with stories, or even good jokes. It's mostly physical comedy, fart jokes, screaming, use of awful voice clips... the lowest of comedy.
And of course fight scenes.

Think of it: Have you ever seen good sprite movies with a storyline? Alvin at least tried to put a little story behind the whole thing, even if it's ripped off DBZ. I also thinks it's a bit overrated.

And something else... you are a hypocrite. You too make fighting games with sprites, the difference is that you don't take the DBZ theme - you're ripping of the Final Fantasy theme. Fast paced as well. Or you made them, since you want to get out of sprites.

To clear something up: I think that non-sprite movies are more original than sprite movies, but even a sprite movie can be original. The art isn't everything guys, story and writing count too.

You're wrong. You just said he is good because he puts a little story behind a series, in which the story was based on the cell saga? You CANT take credit for that.

I understand your point, but its like the movies, Matrix and Equilibrium.

People assumed 'oh Equilibrium is just a matrix rip-off' when in fact, it isnt. Its about a completly different thing, and the fights arent even the same.

Also, the only thing i am 'ripping' off of FF is the battle style. You know, how would you like it if you started seeing nothing but sonic rpgs popping up everywhere on newgrounds? How would you feel if you animated a movie and ti was compared to the brackenwood series?

Too much fucking drama on newgrounds huh? same as with pigeonmaster
I think that we have discussed this subject so many times that it gives us spriters more reasons to move on.

Its seems this is a hot topic.

Considering the fact that I like his movies, it's very akward that I entirely agree with this post.

And actually, one of his Deviantart posts had said he was entirely leaving the internet and stopping production on SMBZ. For some reason, he deleted the post soon after and is staying on deviantart, but deleted all of his news posts on Newgrounds.

But yes, I entirely agree with you. Far too many times have I seen an over-the-top sprite movie with the comments 'LolZ I wantEd tO mAke SpriEtz AfTer SEeIng SMBZ'. And far too many times have I gone through the comments of sprite, hell, any movies(sprite movies aren't the only ones targeted for some reason) with a review saying 'LOLZ, sucks, neds to be meor lke SmBz. 0/10'

So while it appears he's done with SMBZ, people continue to review it and compare everything to it. =/

You can like his movies, and agree with this post. It shows you are human. Also, i believe he has also started to get back on the internet as well. I dotn want dude to quit flash but you know what? He quit because of his fans! So what does that tell you?

I'll have to agree with you, first off on the topic of furries, and second off how the sprite film needs to recreate itself, or die. There are plenty of other, well done sprite films, that have nothing to do with the SMBZ series, that get little credit because of many a fanboy. Take the various "Kingdom" shorts. Very well done, IMO, but aside from a group of fans, not mentioned as often, due to the plague of fanboys. I will admit, I did like the SMBZ series, but not so much that I'd compare anything not it, to it. Overall though, I'm glad to see that someone's willing to stand up to the idiot masses, good work!

Thank you. Some one had to speak up. If i am getting drilled, let it be for what i believe in.

I agree with: 'not every sprite movie has to be like smbz in order to be good'.

I don't agree with: 'DBZ sprite fights are a dying breed that need to be taken out back and shot'.

And why are you making such a big deal about this? Is it because alvin-earthworm's work got all the attention and yours didn't?

Nope, its the fact that every sprite movie on NG has to be like SMBZ in order to be great.

Sprites are more overdone than Awesome parodies, just give it time and people will completely forget about them, like slap bracelets. That's not a bad sonic drawing though, real animation is harder, but it can end up much cleaner than sprite work.

If sprites die out, this site wont be Everything by Everyone, now will it?

You have some good points in there man, one of the main reasons for this (IMHO) is that alvin somehow brought the sprite genre alive, because of all the crappy movies around, i mean it was considered (along with stick aniamations) a "noob" genre, until he did some good work.

This at the same time inspired other people to do decent sprite animations, such as "not another sprite fight" or the "sprite tv!" trilogy so basically he helped an almost dying genre that nowdays is again dying.


About your art, its pretty good, i just checked out the sonic picture, i would suggest 2 things.

1) put some shadow to the mountains, sonic has shadows, the grass has shadows, why not put shadows to the mountains?

and also

2) put some "fog" in the base of the mountains, that will make them look bigger and farther away.


You know, suprisingly, short was doing this before SMBZ ever came into existance. The only difference was, back then he was doing it on Swish, and now hes on flash.

I like psycosis's videos, when he makes something other than Thwomps.


Oh i see, he quits now on the series, i'll remove him from favorites then, plus he had some strange cartoons on youtube, youtube poops??? wtf? he like 6? well anyway i agree with you. some movies do not have to be like SMBZ. people need to come up with their own ideas, not related DBZ sounds or nothin. oh and best of luck to your flash movies ^_^

Thank you.

If this post was made two years ago, I would of disagreed. But now that I see how crappy and overrated that series is, I coulden't agree more. The opinion that sprite animations suck is also pretty ignorant, in the fact that there can be custom sprites made from scratch, and turned into a totally awsome flash. Its by choice that sprite animators choose to parody things like mario, sonic and the like.

Infections take time to spread. Not that SMBZ is an infection, but the fans, no, the super die-hard fans of his are.

Finally! Somebody tells the truth!! But one thing I'd like to say is: Sprite Movies and handrawn Movies are EXCACTLY the same. The only divernce is that spirtes are pixlized. Oh yeah, nice pic of Sonic, althoug it must be really difficlut to draw the eyes. One more thing, whats a Furry???

They are the same. Except one uses pictures and one draws. It shouldnt be shunned of the internet.

"Most movies on NG parody something. Guess what, parodies arent original anymore. How many, epic/date/superhero/disaster/meet the Spartans type movies are there now? Sorry, you may feel that sprite are shitty and overrated, but you know what, so is making parodies of things that have been parodied before. Only difference is that sprite movies uses already made pictures."

I was never defending video game parodies either. But even though they aren't original, they at least have more artistic merit than sprite movies.

In sprite movies, nothing is drawn.

If something is drawn, it's either a shitty looking sprite movie (because clearly anyone who actually knows how to draw wouldn't be making sprite movies) or it's not actually a sprite movie.

Sprite movies are unoriginal. No matter how you slice it, it's impossible to be COMPLETELY original with any sprite movie because when you get right down to it, the drawings aren't original, and usually neither is the music or the idea.

You're not defending it. Your just bashing sprite and being hypocritical on everything else. I know sprites are Un-Original, btu you know what, people who draw movies, dont have that right to just shun of sprite, when usually the movies they make has been based of something, a parody of something or used an old joke.

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