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    "Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11" - Huey from "The BoonDocks"

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    Thanks, Sonic Unleashed, Reviews, and Old Cartoons.

    Posted by BlackDevilX - December 7th, 2008

    i'll break up my posts so that you wont have to read the everything to find out what ya wanna read.


    First off, id like to say thank you to everyone for their blessing for my gf surgery. Shes fine, and recovered. So thank you to all those people who cared, and thank you for the people who didn't spam the page with stuff like 'FUCK YOU I HOPE SHE DIES'. It shows that ya'll do have some sympathy.

    ~Sonic Unleashed~

    Anyways, I picked up Sonic Unleashed a few days ago for the 360. Already beat it, and what not. Looked on IGN and stuff for the reviews and i have to say that IGN gave it a too harsh of a review. Im not some raving fantard but 4.0? Because of the werehog levels? Thats lame. Especially since the others got 7.0+.

    First off, i will say this, I am accounting for the Xbox 360 version of the game, which from my understanding is COMPLETELY different than the wii/ps2.

    Heres a video of me Running through the first level for the 360 version.

    /* */
    The daytime stages are amazing. Everything is fast paced, and sometimes a bit so fast that you cant see whats going to happen. (In the video above, i was boosting the entire time. Sorry if it was looking a bit fast, I was getting an S-rank.) The levels are VERY well done. Everything is beautiful graphics wise (360 version again) and is VERY entertaining.

    The Night time stages is where it becomes lame. After ripping through a stage at about 1000+ km/h your bought to a painful crawl when sonic goes into his were-hog form. During this stage, you just spam one of the attack buttons the entire time till you get to the end. And the biggest problem i have had was in the later levels when you have to jump from platform to platform suspended in mid air over death. However, there is no fucking shadow on the ground to tell you where your going to land. That bought this game down alot, as it was their chance to redeem themselves from the glitchy incompleteness that was Sonic 2006.

    One thing i enjoyed though was the music. No more guitar heavy songs as your running through the levels. Now its this high speed jazzy type music that sets the mood for both daytime and night stages (up tempo stuff for the day, sleepytime boring for the night).

    In my opinion, this game deserves a 7. (360 review only) The werehog kills it.

    Why do people review movies saying "Thank you for wasting my life force, <insert however long something was here> of my time, etc etc..? Games i can understand, but this is why you either rent it first, or get a demo.

    You're the moron who watched it. You wasted your own time. You wasted even more time bitching about how it wasted your time. Give yourself a medal. =D

    ~Old cartoons~

    Anyone remember this show?

    /* */
    Or this one?

    /* */
    Just a few of the things i used to watch.



    i bursted your comment cherry

    Now i will obsess over you for years to come.

    oh yeah, and i love cow and chicken!

    Dexters lab when hand in hand with it.

    I miss the cow and chicken a lot :(

    Also, I'm glad your girlfriend did it well :)

    Did it cancel or did it end? if it ended how did it end?


    If mama had a chicken and mama had a cow, i wouldnt be proud, id wanna know how.

    fuck heathclif

    If i did that, that would be zoophilia

    Nice job on sonic unleashed, it's gonna take me a while to get used to his new voice though, this one doesn't seem as enthusiastic sounding as the other dudes.
    i used to watch cow and chicken too, it was such a crack up


    Wow, you rock at daytime stages. From what I've seen on Youtube, the daytime stages look better on the 360, but the nightime stages look better on the Wii.

    P.S. : Which Sonic Unleashed version do you think looks better: the Wii or 360 version?

    You should see me at empire city aka Newyork XD Ill post a video of it soon. I S-Ranked that sucka.

    hell yeah n***a old cartoons rocks hahaha


    is that the high europe or whatever level?

    Thats Windmill Isle Act 2 in Apotos which is greece-ish

    I would show you Spagonia which is LOADS different than the ps2/wii versions.

    Thank god your gf got through it, anyway, i haven't got that unleashed game yet, i might try it myself, dunno if i should, considering the way it turns out now. i've grown out of that cow and chicken and that, um other one i forgot, so yeah, those cartoons are for chlidren you know, sorry for offending you about that though. guess that's it lol

    P.S did you forgive me yet about my rude comment?

    I dont hold grudges dude. I already forgot about the comment in question (no really i dont remember)

    Well, the Werehog levels for the Wii I agree are way better than the ones on every other systems because you interact with the game instead of just button mashing on the 360/PS3. But they still sucked.
    The day stages, however, are way too short. AND on the Wii they completly left out the Empire City stage and took away the excitment of playing a day/night (Not night so much...) in Mazuri and replaced it with a boss battle, which (Not suprisingly) sucked. I mean WHAT THE HELL!!!!!

    Empire city is bad ass. Mazuri was an ok level, but there is a boss battle at the end.

    That game looks like it'd be confusing as hell to deal with, with all that camera switching, and it looks like there isn't much player control involved. I like Sonic, but I think I'll pass.

    Yeah there is. For some of the level, you hold up, then when it switches to 2D you hold right. Such variation to the games. Just like every sonic game where you hold right for 5 mins.

    No but seriously, i was rushing to the S rank. Behind the scenes, i did this level 10 times before i could do that.

    wow, Sonic Unleashed actually looks like a decent game

    It isnt bad. Whoever was the douche that reviewed it on IGN was clearly a biased fucktard.

    I've those shows! quite funny, i laughed a lot watching them

    Sonic unleashed is awesome

    Its Good.

    Cow & Chicken, Dexter's Lab, Ren & Stimpy... mhm. Brings the memories.

    Dexters Lab....maaaan that was the shit.

    Who could forget Omlette Du Fromage.

    I've completely lost faith in the pig shit that is IGN. The only review site I trust is Gametrailers.

    I rather play it myself, then judge.

    Heathcliffe is too old for me! I only remember it because it's in the openings of my recorded super mario tv series on vhs! >_<

    SUper Mario Super Show. Your a young'un.

    BTW i remember you.

    You think IGN gave it a harsh review? Go to Gamespot. They gave it a 3.5! THAT is harsh.

    But on a plus note, i have this game for the PS2, and it still rocks(my favourite is Apotos Daytime). The nighttime stages get more and more frustrating by the level, but I just enjoy the speed which has made Sonic so famous.

    P.S. I'm more into the old anime I used to watch, like Ninja Senshi Tobikage, Rurouni Kenshin, and Ninku, but those cartoonsreally are nostalgic, and I'm only 16!

    Yu Yu Hakusho/

    I have Sonic Unleashed and i have to agree its an awesome game, Granted it may not be the best platformer on the market but its pretty much the best 3D sonic game to date. I don't hate the werehog levels as much as others do, cause I just look at them as nothing more than Knuckles levels with a new character. I mean come now, nothing was more painful than those bigCat fishing levels. i might not be as great a player as you, but i find the werehog levels far from boring, and find myself using every new move Im awarded . But yeah the platform parts can be a bitch. Overall gorgeous game and a step in the right direction. 8.0 from me.

    First thing i maxed out was the werehogs combat skills. It made the nightime levles 20% better.

    <behind the scenes> I did that level 10 times before memorizing it.

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