@Rouge217: Are you actually berating someone for how they choose to make their own series? If it's so easy and you want it that badly, why not do it yourself? Save BDX the trouble of making it and save the rest of us from your complaining.
Has it really only been 5 years? I guess it feels longer when you're waiting for something you enjoy. Mario Bros V came out about 3-4 years after its predecessor and that felt like ages. I don't really need to tell you this, but take as much time as you need to make it. You do good work and its worth the wait.
I am big fan of your work,your movies and games were great, i personally enjoy Final Fantasy Sonic X episode 6 because it was interesting. The primary fight scene was exhilarating,it got my blooed boiling. Episode 5 was hard but very... intruiging. You should credit yourself for a lot more than you'd think. You've done very well.
Thank you very much! I always try to improve upon every episode i do.