Barack Obama won his current Senate seat in a race against Alan Keyes, the black Republican. Alan Keyes also ran for president in 2000 and 2008. I am not sure what you will get from that, but I thought it was interesting enough to tell you.
"Jesus was black, Ronald Reagan was the devil, and the government is lying about 9/11" - Huey from "The BoonDocks"
Age 0, Male
Gradumacated allredEz
Joined on 4/1/03
Barack Obama won his current Senate seat in a race against Alan Keyes, the black Republican. Alan Keyes also ran for president in 2000 and 2008. I am not sure what you will get from that, but I thought it was interesting enough to tell you.
It was very interesting. Thanks
they do that because if obama doesnt win then the world will end because mccain is a bastard. k im making this up so forget it.
I'm white and I want Obama to win. It would be great to have a black running as the head of America, it would really show that America is ready for big major changes. I would also be interested in seeing how Obama will deal with future issues that don't exist today.
But I'm not doing it because of his skin, but because he actually answers questions at interviews where McCain just ignores the question and goes on answering as if some question relating to the war was asked, and how he would fix it.
I also support Obama's decision to get the troops out of Iraq and to provide proper health care for everyone in America. McCain also has bad manners to top off his ignorance, there was a video posted on YouTube a few days ago of McCain clearly ignoring Obama's hand for a handshake.
And I'm not sure what to think of the video but that the people were idiots. There are dozens of possible reason why they are going to vote for Obama that don't include the colour of his skin. Possibly peer influence? All of the person's friends are voting for Obama, why shouldn't they?
Who knows.. maybe the bears do.
Did you know canada has free health care? Yes. Free. If you get your arm amuptated, go to a hospital and they will fix u up for free. Thats what we need.
Thank you for your feedback.
What is your reason for voting for McCain? Not that its wrong, but lets see how much you know about the person your voting for.
It would be cool if Obama won, though. We would have our 1st black president in history.
Obama is gonna kill all whites someday, that's what i'm thinkin. really low and offensive.
ok, fine let obama be president, i don't even like mccain either. Mccain's not gonna win against obama considering how the polls look so far, he hasn't got a chance to win. i doubt he can make a comeback. i won't judge obama anymore, if he wants to make america a good and safe place then by god let him do it. i don't have nothing else to say, end of discussion.
i watched sonic ffx 6 and i wanna fight! my 3 characters i choose are sonic,silver,and shadow. if i can compete in the tournamant leave a commant on my page. great series and i hope u finish ffs7 soon.
I have little knowledge regarding politics. Because I don't know enough about them, the candidates, I have chosen not to vote at all this year. It seems many people are bothered by my decision. However, I do have a bit of knowledge about people. People tend to follow, or they tend to lead. McCain is a leader, palin, a follower. Obama is also a leader. I'm not sure about biden yet. McCain is old, and he keeps labeling obama as inexperianced and says things that may be considered lies, or the truth, since to me it sounds like a lie a smart person makes. Age, when considering McCain is important, because that means you also have to consider his running mate. Palin is not very well educated in the ways of politics... she probably focused more on the football players in her high school. She didn't SEEM to know what a vice-president do, and, I may be wrong, but I think she said the vice-p runs the senate... Now, I mentioned before I'm new to politics, didn't I? well, I DO know that the vice-p only runs the senate to break a tie vote in it. Otherwise, you have "President Pro Tempur" of the senate. A stand-in, in otherwords. And In my senior required politics class I took last year, I also learned that the president is the one who gives the VP something to do, so until she becomes president, she'll have an easy road ahead. Until you notice I said "She becomes" and not "would become." McCain could die, and this is the crucial part to why you should pick a smart VP, to be VP... She would become president... (Wait, but isn't this alot for a simple question of would those shows support obama if he was republican? Well, I'm building it up, getting into my mode for this...) Obama chose someone who seems to know what he's doing. The arguement against him (obama) is that he smokes and therefore he could die too... yet, it all depends on his genes, and time itself... plus if he really does smoke, he'd be coughing years before he dies, one would think. Yes, I think people would have a problem with him being republican. Mainly since, I think, when people think politics, they think either democrat, or republican, and there are things like democracy, and republic... When I think republic, I think of places like cuba, and domican republic, and that sort of stuff... Just through word association. Therefore, it makes me think republicans are not good, since I don't know much about either one, except we aren't friends much with cuba. And Democracy is supposed to be the structure of the country or something, so I associate Democracy with, of course, democrats. I'm not saying republicans really are evil or anything like that, I'm just saying, this is what goes through my mind. Perhaps this, word association, is what goes through other people's mind? why they go a certain way. And maybe whether you are a follower, or a leader also has a role to play, and then how you were raised. So, I think if Obama WAS a republican, that republicans would like him, and that that plays a part in it. Also, there IS skin color, to think about when considering peoples choices. He's not dark, he's more closer to a white, than black, but he's like Xemnas from kingdom hearts black... Or tan. Anyway, I didn't even think he was black when I first saw him, but I trained myself to tune it out as much as I can. After all, what's it matter to me anyway? but, the most, and forgive me if I offend, the most redneck person out there, who listens to lies, and argues against cold-hard evidence that the lies he's saying are, well, lies (and trust me, he is out there) is the person to either avoid, if you are weak in debate, or to be afraid of, because,trust me, he WILL vote, and he WILL vote according to: Race, Religion, Gender, Pro-war, And any other thing that keeps on popping up in front of people's eyes. My final thought on this? Just open yourself freely to different cultures... learn a new one each week. Learn their politics, and their idea on religion. then take a pretty well to do country, that has a religion other than christianity, or judaism, and find out what THEIR opinions are on yours. You may find the same thing coming up that would keep you from liking a person... And, it may also be wise to consider putting yourself into someone elses shoes, think like the person, Watch every clip of obama, let's say, or McCain, Act out what's going on, be a mirror image, and think like them. Take the shoes and walk a bit. Next, do some research on how they grew up, and put that into your shoes, to make them fit better, this may be best, actually to do before you walk in them... no one needs to be tripping. Now, you can do accurate impersonations, and not the kind from SNL, either. Now, take your biggest fears, and try to act out what you think they would do to take care of them, based on what you acted out, and learned. A lot of times, people tend to variate from what they say they'd do. And remember at all times who YOU are... Even if you don't feel like it, even if you are a follower, you are still you, and thusly, you DO have an opinion. It counts, even if you are a teen. Write it out, and/or speak it out, what you think, and why. Why should be based on the activity you did to get to know the candidate. After all, if someone can write fan-fictions and get people to think they captured the person in the story well, then it can also be applicable to real life situations. When you are finished writing, if that was what you chose ( and usually it is best to be able to look at what you wrote, than to hear what you say) and also say it. get it in your mind of why you would want to vote for McCain, or Obama, so that you can learn from any mistakes in the future, to make even simpler decisions. PM me if any of this made no sense. I'd be glad to explain. just expect a bunch of words.
I read some of the comments on this thing... because I thought this to be a very interesting topic...
however I cannot vote yet.. Im 17 lol but I dont think Im certain who I would vote for.. but I tell you one thing... the ppl need to get rid of this fear thinking that if they dont vote for obama they are racist... because... if you vote for obama JUST FOR THAT REASON... does that really make you any better?!?! no...
and BlackDevilX in my opinion... Im not quite sure if these shows would support him if he was republican.... I really would'nt think so... but I suppose I wouldnt know...
Love your flashes BTW...
do you have any room on your brawl roster?
What are you guys talking about???? If Obama get's the job he's going to pull our soldiers out of IRAQ, the the soldiers of IRAQ are going to say we were scared were pussys and you know those missles that dissapeared in russia? There gonna end up on our shores abd guess what, there gonna explode!
Obama wants to take the war to where it really should be. Iraq isn't our concern, that other place, pakistan or afgahnistan or whatever it's called is the location of those terrorists. let's leave the iraqi's alone. I think the only reason anyone died in iraq was because of either soldier mistakes (like mistaking social get togethers for hidden plotting) or because of the government's diabolical chemical testing. There's "medicene" that soldiers are REQUIRED to take and some side effects of the chemicals are awful, such as brain shrinkage. I think you are going down a slippery slope with your comment, when at any time, someone you know and trust Might end up, I don't know, killing you and your family. the unexpected happens every day, and yet, we should never jump to conclusions, because there is every chance that the same friend would never harm you, not in a billion years. So, instead of jumping to conclusions, about something that hasn't happended yet, why don't you put in some time to do a little bit of studying, and play both sides of the coin?
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so blackdevil, who are you gonna vote for?
If I was american I Definitelly vote for obama. mccain is another ful of shit republican.
Im voitng for obama due to his political stands.
Anyone who wants to do something about the poverty in the United states has my vote. Not everyone is rich. Alot of people in this country are low to middle class, and to provide better healthcare for people hwo make up to 250 grand, thats amazing that even some of the wealthy can get into it.
p.s. by "full of shit" I mean he is a ploitician, I dont think all republicans are asses.
But I SIMPLY can not respect a party that defends republicans like bush that send people to other countries like irak to fight n shit and then pretend they are the victims.
Oh and lets not forget the mexicans being shot in the frontier.
Election Day is tomorrow November 4, 2008.
Who will win: Barack Obama or John McCain?
Find out?
Ah... yeah, this is the big day isn't it... who wins, the guy all about change in the country/world(?), or the hockey-mom's team, ...? Does the votes get counted up tomorrow, or today, meaning... WHEN WILL WE FIND OUT?
Midnight probably. Fox new special is blocking a new House.0
Ladies and gentlemen, as of November 4, 2008 11:00 P.M., your new President is...
Eitherway, many stations/shows are supporting Obama, and many are against.
In fact: Fox News is standing up for McCain.
Anyway, Obama would be the first black president of the United States.
Many people just don't like change and are voting for McCain because they are asking for another recession.
Faux News is for republicans. They dont do anything to tell the real truth about bush or anythings. They show the positives. If you want real news go watch MSNBC